beware fake Ethiopian orphanage web sites.


Sometimes I use shampoo as dish soap, or to wash clothes, sometimes I use dish soap as shampoo, or to wash clothes, depends entirely on which one I am out of at the moment.

I think my mom must have ordered me from one of those fake ethiopian orphanage web sites, oh wait, they didn’t do internet in ’56, so it must have been one of those mail order ads in the back of a magazine. Anyways I’m sure she was hoping to get a tall skinny black kid who could play basketball and be worth millions. Really! See I did some price checking, ya know, ebay, blue book, etc. and I noticed that ultra skinny white boys are not worth much, the shipping is more than the purchase! A brand new ultra skinny white boy without any fancy extras, like really big, umm, hands, sells for about $10 on ebay more or less, and older models, like over 30, don’t seem to have any value at all, there were a few listed, but no bids, BUT, I noticed some tall skinny black guys that seem to be worth millions. Now, wait, I know, not all skinny black guys are worth “millions”, but they do seem to sell briskly and at much higher prices.

Oh well.

I should order pizza, or go out for dinner. Don’t feel like shopping or cooking. If I go out for dinner, it’s about $20, cuz well, I eat a lot actually. Pizza lasts a couple days, costs about the same, and the woof gets to eat some also. I think I’ll go out anyways.

Some of the voices came home, thanks to those of you that sent them back!

The others will just have to make do with stealing the kitty food like they usually do anyways.

I found out that it IS possible to wash a 5 gallon blanket in a 3 gallon bucket if you are really busy and work at it!

Work went well today, I wound up talking to some people I had not expected to, purely business related of course, I don’t think I actually did any leering, but I tried to smile nicely anyways.

umm, I was kinda hoping for a thunder boomer tonite, but it cleared up instead. Maybe later tonite.

My eyes were bleeding earlier when I tried looking in my broken mirror. Then I noticed that I have this gold ring punched through the middle of my fuckin NOSE and I wondered “how the hell did that get there???” Then I remembered a drunken night back in like ’78 when I was bored, and stuck a needle through my nose. Yep, that was back in the 70’s and yes, I did it myself! I also recall stumbling around with my nose hurting, and snot and tears running trying to figure out how to keep the damn needle in there, and I could not, because, well, needles rust and I was drunk anyways, so I pulled it out. Years later I remembered that I had done that, and went to a shop, and the guy punched a new hole for me, but it hit the scar tissue and was crooked, so I had him yank that out and repunch it straighter. So, anyways just in case some of you wonder from time to time why a 54 year old guy has a gold ring punched through his nose, it’s because I’m the only 54 year old guy that I know of that punched a needle through his own nose in the 70’s, and I figure that says something about my character, and I don’t mind sharing it.

My eyes were not really bleeding, Be serious, that would mean I was really stupid and decided to punch a needle in my eyes, and I’m not THAT silly. But my mirror is broken. Pretty sure that happened some drunken night when my voices left me all alone again, and I was really angry at being a fake ethiopian orphan.

hmm, maybe I don’t need dinner after all.