I have a comment, I have been involved in violent conflict. I have no idea what particular circumstances might be present in a conflict. Therefor I agree with the folks who disdain the “if I had a gun there, I woulda… yadayada.” Because, the reality of this sudden violence is that it never seems to happen just the way we “imagine” it.
However that may be, there is always an element that IS the same, and that is the nature and character of the warrior, if they happen to be present.
The person who will by his/her own volition, not run, not hide, but instead will advance and attempt to fight.
We know those people exist, don’t we?
We also know that some people have no volition to fight or resist, they run, or hide.
The reality is that BOTH kinds of people will get shot, and both kinds will die.
I do not see any way to prevent crazy people from going crazy, with our current state of medical technology. I would VERY much like to see some way of preventing crazy people from becoming violent, but that seems unlikely as well.
We should still continue to TRY to prevent crazy angry frustrated assholes from using tools of violence to perpetrate murder. No matter what tools, and no matter the cause of the crazy. It is a worthwhile goal to prevent these incidents.
However, in the meantime, we should also concentrate on how do we reduce the casualties in these circumstances, if we cannot yet prevent the massacres, we can certainly work on reducing the damage.
Which brings me back to the two different types of responses to violent conflict.
There is no point in trying to change what people actually are, or how they will respond.
The runners and hiders, will do just that.
The fighters though are a potential resource, IF MANAGED properly.
What I suggest is that we, the people make a concerted effort to enlist, as volunteers, those people, who imagine themselves to be “fighters”. We encourage them to train, be evaluated and certified. Once they have been through the program, they are certified and allowed to carry whatever weapon they may choose, and where ever they choose, (some few restrictions must apply).
I agree that mistakes will be made, those people will be injured or killed, other innocent people will be injured or killed. I fully understand the risk they pose, to themselves and those around them.
However, with that said, it is also true, that if/when these incidents occur, the people we call to respond are people with guns and training and tactics to STOP the threat.
It simply makes sense to empower the people who are ON THE SCENE, to respond appropriately and immediately.
No, we certainly do not want, or need a bunch of untrained nut jobs with guns everywhere, but who could object to having trained and prepared people who are willing to step up and stop an attack, in as many situations as possible.
Yes, I could see this being administered badly, but the potential for reducing the carnage, if we cannot yet prevent it, is worth the risk, and effort.