© Copyright November 06, 2006 by 45 Mike
OK, dunno about any of the rest of you, but I am personally just sick of hearing and seeing advertisements in print, web, radio and TV concerning the elections. If any one of the candidates running in Montana were to tell the honest truth, no one would even bother to vote, in fact it *is* hunting season, perhaps we should be able to buy tags, and settle the election nonsense in a permanent way. Survivor wins, ok, I was joking, (kinda).
A few years back, I had a local candidate for some kinda local minor office come to my door, asking for my support. I explained that I think our government is a joke, the elections are a waste of time and I would not support any candidate or bother to choose any side on an “issue”. I also explained that I am not registered to vote, nor do I ever intend to register again.
He was quite taken aback with my vocal and staunch opposition to the process that he so much believes in. Seeing this, I determined to ask him a question.
“If there were an issue, that you, personally, held a very stong opinion about, however upon speaking with constituents, that you represent, it became apparent that a majority of the folks you represent hold an opinion, opposite to your own personal opinion, would you vote your personal opinion, or would you vote the opinion of your constituents?”
He blinked, he thought about that, then his reply was, “I really cannot say, to be honest I’ve never considered that possibility. I suppose that I would have to make that decision if that situation ever arose.”
Now, consider what our “representative” form of republic really means. My opinion is that it should NEVER matter what a representative holds as his/her personal opinion on the issues. EVER. The Representative is held to determine what opinion the majority of his/her constituents holds and REPRESENT that opinion on the issue.
Recently, or perhaps since the inception of this union republic, the Representatives do not CARE what opinion the majority of the people hold, it is ONLY their personal stand that matters. Which is WRONG WRONG WRONG.
The only real deciding factor in an election for a representative should be honesty!
Will that represtentative in honest discourse, attempt to determine what the opinion of the people is, (requires that he/she spend a lot of time, out speaking with people, listening to their views, after presenting them with a factual unbiased account of the issues), then representing the opinion of the majority of his constituents, honestly, at the time and place of the congress.
What we have as a government today is a fukken circus, all fake, costs more than it’s worth, and after you see it once or twice that pony trick gets really old. That’s all they do. ONE trick. They make laws.
Well, that is supposed to be what they do, but instead they spend their time with NOT making decisions. A fillibuster, HUH???? Tell you what folks, if I went to work one day, and decided to stand up in the bosses office talking all day instead of working, I’d be lookin for a new job. If the boss told me to make a widget, and I decided to add a bunch of frills that have nothing to do with the widget, in fact, all the frills end up makin the widget worthless, my boss would fire my ass.
But that’s what your government does, take a real basic issue, say, “Should we spend 3 million on fixing a road in Montana?” and two years later, that issue is buried under 12 BILLION for defense, lining senate stalls with graffiti proof paint, studying drunk fish, and limiting use of highway equipment in federal road construction projects to vehicles meeting 1400 pages of specifications.
Guess what, it cost 3 million just to READ those 1400 pages of specs, so some lawyer gets 3 million, the road never gets built/fixed and the senate stalls get painted and freakin FISH get drunk. (and, oh yeah, some underground listening station the NSA runs got 10 billion for computer upgrades).
And what the hell is up with the “party” division? They are all a bunch of lieing cheating nonsense makin LAWYERS!!! They are ALL the same. So what kind of decision do you REALLY have on election day??
All you get to choose is WHICH lieing cheating bastard gets to tell you what you gotta pay, where you can go, what you can own, what they can take from you and what consequences you face if you don’t knuckle under to the damn nazi squads.
No thanks, I refuse to participate in this farce.