A republic REQUIRES representation. It’s not optional.
Representation is not equivalent to misrepresentation.
Misrepresentation is not a form of representation, it is a negation of representation.
A nation that elects a king periodically, is not a democracy, it is a monarchy, with the monarch selected democratically.
A government is a decision process. EVERY form and instance of a government is a specified decision process, the specification of that decision process determines the form and/or sub-form of government.
A monarchy, (autocracy), specifies a decision process that authorizes the monarch to make decisions of LAW, which is imposed, invoked and enforced upon the public.
It makes no difference which selection process is used to elevate a person to the role of monarch, whether that be trial by combat, election, birthright, or by rolling dice. The RESULT of that selection, is a MONARCH, not a democracy.
If a nation elected a king, the form of government would be a democratic monarchy. The word democratic describes the SELECTION process, not the decision process.
The word monarchy describes the DECISION process.
Thus what we see in many nations claiming democracy, faking democracy, is a fraudulent use of the terms we use to define and describe the concepts of government in reality.
Most nations based on the model of the US constitution, are in fact not republics, and not democracies, but rather oligarchies, democratic oligarchies.
Look up oligarchy. A small number of rulers. NOT representatives. RULERS!!!
If you agreed to authorize someone to make decisions for you and to abide by those decisions, you agreed to have a ruler, not a representative.
To suggest that electing someone to that position, somehow magically transforms that person into a representative, is simply absurd.
Electing people to positions of power and authority does not and cannot result in proper representation of the public.
It simply results in putting people in positions of power and authority.
That does not mean, however, that it is not possible to achieve proper representation.
It simply means that electing people won’t achieve it.
Start where I did, “Government is a decision process.”
Then the next step is to assert, that representation is not equivalent to misrepresentation.
Then, the concept of representation must be considered in a legal context, as we are discussing the enactment and enforcement of law.
That concept is not and cannot be considered to be the colloquial alternative of a cheer squad representing their high school. Those are NOT the same concepts.
5000 people agree to elect a “representative”.
2501 people vote for “Bob”.
2499 people vote for the other guy.
Bob wins.
I suggest that we examine how we expect Bob to represent all 5000 equally.
That seems rather obviously impossible.
However, let’s not give up hope. Consider that Bob is about to make a decision on some issue.
Bob decides to vote “NO” on that issue.
When we ask the 5000 people if they agree with Bob, on his decision, we find that only 1789 of those people agree with Bob.
Wow, so Bob did not represent even a majority, even if he won the election by majority.
He factually represented the minority.
But wait. What if Bob was REQUIRED to always represent the majority, even if he could not represent ALL 5000, he can represent a majority.
However, to enforce the rule that Bob must always represent the majority, then we would need to ask every one of those 5000 people.
Lotta work.
BUT, if we did that anyways, guess what?
We did not need to elect Bob, at all.
Hey, maybe we are getting somewhere.
We don’t need Bob if we count the votes of the people.
If we don’t count the votes of people, then Bob can do whatever he wants and no one can prove he did not represent the majority.
Uhh, that just opened the door to corruption, because Bob can do whatever benefits him and his buddies.
Maybe we should have elected the other guy.
Oh, wait, the other guy would do the same thing.
Maybe we should figure out a different way to administer representation, because ELECTING PEOPLE AS REPRESENTATIVES DOES NOT WORK!!!
THEN, even worse, using those people in a congress to make decisions DOES NOT WORK either!!!
In any case, it’s about decisions.