An event begins existence, the existence of a duration imposes a direction and inertia along a time dimension emerging as a consequence of existence, and then it ends. Symmetry. Conservation. However, that conservation occurs within duration, interval.
The number of events however, is not conserved. It is possible for two or more events to exist simultaneously. The conservation of individual events, has no causative conservative effect on a universe of events.
Therefore, the probability of each possible change is 1/3. The probability of a change resulting in an event existing is 2/3. The probability of no events is 1/3.
If the change results in 3 events existing, then the number of possible changes, increased to 4. Resulting in a probability of no events, reduced to 1/4. The probability of a change resulting in an event existing is increased to 3/4.
If a change results in 4 events existing within the spatial and time dimension bounded by the extent of those dimensions then the probability of no events decreases to 1/5, while the probability of any event increased to 4/5.
This behavior of events caused by and effecting probabilities changing is the basis of existence we observe and measure.
The existence of a quantum event is absolute. It has one property, it results in two discrete quantum changes of propagation.
The familiar spatial dimensions emerge from the existence of events. Duration of events cause emergence of time. These are the basis of the volume of existence we measure and observe as space-time.
The understanding we enjoy of relativity, describes a curvature of space-time, that curve is a 2 dimensional description of a volume density of space-time, quantum events.
That density change of events within some volume is a consequence of changes of probability we observe as gravity, and the events are the mass that effects and is influenced by gravity.
Gravity is attenuated by density of changes, of events, through duration. Implicitly by ending events, and explicitly by collapse of wave propagation.
The effect of gravity on existing events is imposed by the beginning of an event, implicitly, and explicitly by accumulating wave propagation.
It is the interaction of wave propagation that results in interference effects such as destructive and constructive interference.
The imposition of probability constructive interference, is the cause of density increases, as events probably occur where the interference maximizes. Between existing events.
Disorder of events within a volume of existence is the consequence of interference, while the dynamic system increasing in density experiences an apparent motion of quantum existence.
This can be expressed as 0/1.
The number of events is zero, the probability of change is 1/2 while the probability of no change is zero. This is the core. The non-existence of events is infinite. The limits of probability are zero and one. Probability is not existence. Existence is the result of probability.
We observe and measure changes. Existence, changing. Changes exist and change, under the limits of gravity. Gravity is the probability of an event, within a volume.
As events emerge duration causes direction along time dimension. Then spatial dimensions emerge, the first event is a point, a location. Event 2 emerges on a line. Event 3 may emerge on a plane. While event 4 emerges on a volume. Event 5 emerges within the volume, on the volume, or expands the volume. An emergence within the volume increases the density of that volume.
The change of probability from zero to 1/2, effects the entirety of non-existence. Which, as long as an event existing is true, is entirely charged at neutral, 1/2, 50%, point five.
Again, gravity is not existence. Gravity is fuzzy. Existence is discrete. Existence is increasing. Existence is accelerated by the energy of gravity changing.
The consequence of this behavior is an increasing density of some volume of events within an expanding volume of events as propagation defines the extents of spatial and time dimensions. A local density increase, that is in motion. A rotation of quantum existences.
A sequence of beginning and ending, adding and subtracting events, that results in repeating fractional behavior.
The pattern of replication is unique yet merely one of many possible sequences of existence within a population of stacks.
A common pattern of event sequence is the photon. Distributed along a single spatial dimension, and a time direction. A pattern so simple of construction that it can be caused by chemical reaction and cause changes in electron behavior.
See my discussion with a dummy, about how I developed this hypothesis…