I think people have rights, and freedoms.
I also think those rights and freedoms are easily abused.
I also think society should have the ability to impose civil consequence for those who abuse those rights and freedoms in such a way that causes damage to other people.
Someone shouting on a deserted street corner, or in some forest, isolated, yeah whatever.
That same person shouting in a theater interrupting a show I paid money to enjoy is another matter.
A person speculating that aliens might be involved in NASA, is one thing, and telling people to distrust NASA, inciting them to congregate at a calculated location of a large meteorite strike is another.
We should have the ability, as a society, to determine that damage was caused, by the abuse of civil rights, and to exact some consequence to change, or negate the abusive behavior.
As for the impeachment trial of Trump, the counsel for Trump cited supreme court rulings that clearly enforce the concept that elected officials enjoy elevated protection of our right of free speech.
Consider that carefully. Our Supreme Court, clearly and without equivocation, promotes the concept that the people elected to power and authority, enjoy protection of civil rights that the general citizenry CAN NOT EXPECT by the administration of our constitutional decision process.
Let me restate that. YOU as a citizen, cannot expect protection of speech, and the consequence of your speech, that your elected officials DO expect, and receive.
How, does this concept, administer rights equally under law?