Had an interesting online conversation with a circle sister today.
I told her that I was in a funky mood, tryin to shake it and get back to reality.
She was sweet, asked me if she could help.
I replied that I just wanted to go back to Feb 2005 and try to fix some stuff.
Of course we all know that kind of thing is not really fixable. At least not with any technology or craft that I have free access to.
Anyways she told me sumpin then that really struck me, now this is really obvious and so cliche that it should not have been profound, but it was at the moment, and I am gonna try to keep it up front.
She told me with gentle certainty and love that I need to learn my lesson, then get over it.
Is that what this is about? I need to do some thinking, and re evaluate again.
Wonder how many open doors I been ignoring, cuz I’m standing in front of a closed door.
Prolly too many.
I need to get ready for the party tonite, take a shower, get dressed etc. Then I better take some time and clear out some head room.
On that note, Happy Birthday on the morrow.
I hope it’s time to wear a flower, and smile at the world.
Thank you sister, may the goddess kiss you often!