Author Archives: forfyv

Letter to Your elected Sheriff

IF you are sick of the lies, excuses and nonsense from your government, then please print and mail this letter to your local elected Sheriff. You can send this to other elected officials also, but your Sheriff is the one person that has the authority to take this to the top. Dear ______, I am […]



Lubitel Universal 166, 645 mask

I recently finished the first roll of film through my new Lubitel Universal 166. When I first got it, I checked the focus with a ground glass through the film lens, and it checked good at infinity, and at 1.3 meters. Yay. Unfortunately what I did not do, was check the focus registration of the […]


Osprey nest building. ( and a goof-off)

Today I went out to see if the osprey are nest building yet. They ARE, or at least one of them is. The other one seemed to be more interested in having a lunch break. The other one seemed a bit annoyed. The lunch eating osprey had no idea what was coming. We might imagine […]


Simon is a girl kitty.

I named this feral cat Simon, last year. However, recently Mom mentioned that Simon seems to be pregnant. Today I noticed that she is no longer pregnant, which means that she has a litter of kittens somewhere. I am designating their birthday as 4/20/19. I have not been able to get closer than about 10 […]


2 new photos

From Yesterday, raven in the walnut tree And the birdsbeak in sunlight.


Universal location

Imagine a blackboard with a line across it. Now, imagine a slight mark in the center of that line. That mark, is a “location” on that line. Now, erase all of the line, except that mark. That location still exists, even after the line is gone. That location does not require the mark, either. That […]


Digital image, manual vs auto

I have read various articles from people who advocate for using full manual on your camera. What they say is true. By using and learning about the various controls available in full manual mode, it is possible to see a scene, and then use the various settings to create an image of that scene that […]


A Friday road trip to Odessa

My mother has been working furiously to finish quilts for the annual quilt show In Odessa, WA. Friday was the day to gather up all her work, and that of her friends and deliver them for the show  Next weekend 4-26 thru 4-28. This is one of her quilts, (not in the show), I took […]



Short story, with some pictures. A mating pair of osprey built a nest on top of a power pole near my home, (a few miles). They raised some young, and then left the nest last fall, to head south for the winter. The power company then went up, and removed the nest. It was a […]