Author Archives: forfyv


© Copyright 4-10-08 by 45 Mike I am the dangerous one. I am the predator you fear. I stand still in the shadows you do not see me, yet you know I’m there. The innocent know me. They smile or stare they would walk with me but you huddle them close and take them away. […]


That is NOT a blood groove!

That sword does NOT have a “blood groove”! That is not a “fuller” groove either. I know what it is, and you don’t, so pay attention. It is not a blood groove, the idea that the grooves along the length of a blade will make it easier to withdraw is simply ludicrous. The proposition that […]



Solar power, wind power, wave power, tidal power. Let’s COMBINE those technologies! Build floating blocks that anchor to the ocean floor, connect those blocks with hydraulic rams that pump fluid to turn generators, activated by waves. Under those blocks, tidal turbines that operate as the tides and currents work against the anchors. On top of […]


Sun Blaze

Sun Blaze (C) Copyright 9-11-08 by 45 Mike The Captain asked us to write some remembrance that we could leave behind. We will soon be leaving the solar system. We may even venture to another galaxy. I have been dead for about seven or eight thousand years. Most of us agree that I died when […]


Child vehicle death prevention.

I will once again propose a solution to the emerging incidence of children being left in vehicles to be injured or die, by caregivers distracted by incidental events. This is a LOW COST and VOLUNTARY solution, and it WILL work to reduce those deaths and injuries. The solution is to install a set of wiring […]


4 Branch Reprise

Really, consider that every election cycle we sit around sweating over the results, pinning our hopes and dreams on a favorable outcome, and we do this like some gambling addict in Vegas. “If only we win this election, we can start fixing things.” Compared to: “If only I get that one card, I will be […]


Constitutional Republic

A representative, constitutional republic, using a democratic decision process. There are layers within my proposal, that are not obvious, because the concepts I designed are new, never been even considered. The public will never be authorized to write laws. That removes the “mob rule” problem. We elect congress to write laws. Those people have no […]


Mud from Nought, reprise

So. working back from what we observe now, the big bang says that mass energy and space all gets denser as we look further back in time. This means that everything we observe today, was, at one time compacted into the most massive and densest black hole possible, just before the expansion started. The theory […]


Rational economy.

We need to fix our currency. We use debt based currency now, because we can never run out of debt. However that causes the monopoly game mentality. So does Gold, or wheat based currency. BitCoin is another debt based currency with the same problems. A successful economy will serve the entire population it affects. Leaving […]


Fiat Currency, evil.

Fiat currency is convenient, because when it is issued, it becomes real. An economy based on fiat currency, or debt, can never run out of currency. Unlike currency backed by commodity, such as gold, silver or even wheat, the amount of that commodity is finite, and if more currency is required to support an economy, […]