© Copyright Nov, 2018 by 45 Mike
Welcome to the richest and newest Television Reality Game show!
Chrystal Coffins!
One of our contestants will pass on to their descendant of choice a grand total of up to THIRTY MILLION DOLLARS!!!
That’s right, no show has EVER given away this much cash!
We start the game with thirty contestants, each of them has been been through extensive medical testing, and none of them are expected to live longer than six months.
Each of our contestants starts the game with one million dollars!
Each contestant requires certain procedures and treatments to stay in the game, and they can pay for those by either paying for them from the cash they start with, or by completing the weekly task successfully.
At the end of six months, the last one of our contestants to pass away will be giving to their choice of descendant, or charity the remaining cash in the game account!
Any contestant that still lives at the end of the show leaves with nothing.
Let’s get started by introducing you, the audience to each of our contestants!
We begin with Carlos Knightmen from Atlanta, Georgia! Carlos is special, as he was adopted from a Mexican orphanage when he was 2 years old, and has been living in the Atlanta area his entire life.
Carlos is 59 years old, let’s meet Carlos.
“Carlos? Are you there Carlos?”
Excuse me folks, I have a message from our producers.
Ahh, well Carlos apparently suffered a stroke within minutes of entering our studio game arena.
We’ll be back after these commercials!