© Copyright December 07, 2006 by 45 Mike
There have been a lot of attempts to slow down the rate of deaths and injuries each year caused by automobile collisions where at least one driver was impaired by alcohol consumption.
(Note that I do not refer to these as “accidents”)
There have been heart wrenching advertisements on television, radio and in print, scare tactics, showing some horrendous consequences to “victims” of drunk driving collisions.
A lot of news coverage showing police presence, and dire repercussions to being caught driving while drunk, etc.
One thing has not been shown, or tried, and I think it’s about time to initiate the “red bullet” program.
Our legal system must stop classification of alcohol related automobile mayhem as some kind of “accidental” situation. Damnit, when an adult chooses to drink alcohol, that is NOT an accident! That was a choice, and if they are consequently involved in a collision, then they should bear FULL responsibility, as if they deliberately chose to ram an innocent bystander, with murder as the intent.
I think it’s about time, that we as a nation and society grow up and start taking responsibility for our personal choices. I’m referring to the christian concepts of “taking care of your brother” that have led us down the path of governmental “Big Brotherism” that is exponentially taking over.
The US government is supposedly based on christian principles, “In god we trust”. That is a nice thought, however it’s based on a wishful possible fallacy. These christian principles “assume” that a god exists, and that god is gonna take care of everything in the end.
That assumption has been tested over and over, and to be honest I can’t say that I see any evidence that god has taken one whit of notice, nor caused any action that supports the assumption.
Let’s set that aside for the moment and consider the alternative assumption, “what if god does NOT exist??”. Well, now are we in trouble or what??
Our system of government is a REPRESENTATIVE government, and yes I know that a majority of people in the US are christians of some sort, however a growing number of us are NOT. Of those that are christian, our government is under the same onus of responsibility of performance to them, as to the non christian members of our society. More to the point, our government is tasked with governing, “as if there is no god to depend on”, even if the individual members of our government do believe in god.
The point is that if our government is in fact based on the principle of “in god we trust” then there is no sense in having a government at all, because if you REALLY believe that god will take care of everything, then you are just messin his shit up by trying to run the fukken world.
Well now, with that said, I can clearly state that our government is NOT based on christian principles, our government HIDES behind christian principles. I think it’s about time we called them out and told them to knock off their “holier than thou” crapola and get with the program. There are REAL problems with our lil planet in this small speck of the big universe and we are at the point in human societal development where we ONLY have TWO choices.
One, we can continue to behave as if we “kinda” believe in some sort of deity, whether it’s buddha, allah, god, yawella, Odin, or the wicked with of the east. Continue squabbling over which of those fanciful fallacies will in fact save the world from our squandering quarrels, while the earth runs red then after we have pretty much destroyed the only habitat within our limited reach, the insects get to live on our rotting corpses. I don’t think insects give a microthought to god or allah, because I don’t think it matters at all.
Two, we can grow up, and start acting like adults who are responsible for our actions, without depending on parents to scold us or pick us up and kiss our skinned and bruised elbows and knees. That means simply, if YOU go out and drink a bunch of alcohol, then go get in your car, and kill someone, you should NOT expect that society will consider the fact that you were drunk as an excuse for your behavior, because you made a deliberate choice. Our government should not be allowed to plead “trust in god”, either. The BIG truth is that our government is being run by businesses that only care about ONE thing, and that is making profits, and they will lie and cheat and steal and kill to make certain they can continue to make those profits. That is why government has to HIDE behind religious principles, whether they are based on the christian old and or new testaments or the koran, or the writings of other nuts on strange drug induced fantasies.
Now wait, I KNOW that some of you folks reading this DO believe in god. Those of you who do, I ask you to consider the possible consequences of our behavior if we continue to depend on a deity to save us in the end, if that deity does NOT actually exist. I know that is a tough sell, because you DO believe so strongly that to even consider the possibility is like a denial of your faith, but it is NOT, it is merely a consideration of alternatives. Be an adult, work it out.
Now consider the possible consequences of the alternative behavior. If we as a human society STOP behaving as if we have some kind of safety net, and begin treating our very small planet and our myriad but LIMITED resources as precious and finite and endangered, then we can STOP squabbling over whose wicked witch of the west is better stronger, holier than thou crapola, and START working on REAL solutions based on FACT instead of untested and possibly fallacious assumptions.
Let’s begin with those businesses, they are NOT human, and should have NO rights, nor any governmental protections. One very common business practice is to “incorporate”, so as to limit liability for damages done by a business to an individual, groups of individuals, or property. What this means is that when an incorporated business is severely threatened with profit losing actions by their consumers, they dissolve. POOF, GONE, no more. That would be a sweet trick, wouldn’t it? You could walk into a store, take whatever you want offa the shelves, walk outside, hand all that stuff to your buddies, then when the cops show up, merely show papers that prove that you are no longer the person who robbed the store. WOW, yeah, that’s what they do.
A business can go to some third world country, rape and pillage all the resources they can grab, and once all the resources are used up, or they start getting pressure from local government, poof, they dissolve the corporation, distribute the holdings in a bankruptcy settlement and then go out to dinner on Park Avenue, or Paris or whatever.
Holy shit people WAKE UP, you think those people around the world are pissed at YOU ME, and the US because we believe in GOD??? Don’t be fukken STUPID!!!
They are PISSED because YOU, ME and the US are eatin fat offa the tables that our CORPORATE based government, (hiding behind christian principles), STOLE from them.
What is really sick about that whole thing, is that the organizers of the third world neo military movement KNEW that all that BS would be a hellova lot harder to cram down the throats of the poor folks walkin round in a daze wonderin what the hell happened to their collective ass, than just tellin them poor assholes that the EVIL christians are actually the DEVILS minions, and MUST be destroyed. So there ya go, in a nutshell.
Unfortunately, what this all means is that we gotta start giving back all that crap we raped offa them poor folks. So, yep, gasoline will cost ya $10/ gallon and more before it’s all used up, then of course there won’t be ANY at any price, because what will happen is that once them folks start enjoyin some of the good life there is gonna be a LOT more of them than of us for a while, until we can get all settled in to reasonable comfort.
What is the alternative? See what’s goin on in Iraq? picture that in YOUR hometown in about 20 years, if not sooner. That’s where we are headed.
Let’s get the “Red Bullet” going, soon!