photo evidence against chemtrails


This evening I was outside for a bit, just before dusk, and as I looked up at the sky, I noticed two contrails. I noted that the aircraft that made them were long gone, and the trails were persisting.

This persistence is what many claim to be the tell tale of a chem trail, as opposed to a contrail.

They claim that the particulates in the chemical being sprayed do not dissipate as readily as water vapor, thus, the proponents of this theory proclaim, the persistence of some trails is hard evidence of the truth of chem trails and the spraying by aircraft.

Now I never have been convinced, that any such spraying has actually occurred, except in very rare, controlled and publicized weather experiments. Certainly not even 1/1000 of a percent of the claimed events.

I have offered very good reasonable arguments against such “secret” spraying operations. However the folks who insist on perpetuating such nonsense insist that someone present evidence that such an operation does NOT exist.

Well, in scientific research such endeavors are treated with a fair amount of ridicule. In the case of chem trails, most people of sound mind, shake their head and walk away, the notion is so contemptibly ludicrous on its face, that the effort to convince people of the truth, is not worth the effort.

One major difference between laymen, and serious scientific researchers, is the question “why?”.

In the early 1900’s, science had progressed to the point that many physisists felt that 99% of the physical laws of the universe had been unraveled, and that in a few short years, we would have unlocked all the physical laws concerning how matter, space, time and our universe works.

One thing that was left that puzzled physisists, was the nature of light. Light seemed to behave as a wave, and if we left it at that, everything should have worked as expected. However, in order for light to be a wave, many felt that there HAD to be some medium for the wave to travel IN. Sound waves travel in solids, liquids, and gases, but NOT in a vaccum.

The physisists of that time invented, (theorized) a medium, for light waves to travel through, they called it the “ether”. In order for this ether to actually work, to allow light waves to exist, it had to have certain properties.

A mad dash began to detect, identify and examine the “ether”, so that all physical laws could be completed, and the whole mess tidied up! Unfortunately, a couple guys, Morley, and Michelson devised a rather clever experiment to detect the “ether”. The most startling discovery of the the century was about to FAIL. The experiment the guys devised, not only failed to prove that ether existed, but in fact, and incontovertibly PROVED that the “ether” does NOT exist.

WOW. The scientific world was rocked to its knees, as time after time, no matter who tried, the ether kept being proven NOT to exist. Physisists all over the world kept asking WHY light behaved as a wave, when there was NOTHING for the waves to travel through??? No one knew and everyone who tried to answer that question came to blank brick walls. There seemed to be NO answer and all our physics began unravelling.

Then some guy in Austria who was working as a clerk, came up with THE MOST IMPORTANT IDEA OF THE 20th CENTURY!!!

He said, “quit asking ‘why?'”. Get the answer to “what, when, where, how”. If we find those answers, then we may, or may not be able to answer WHY, but it no longer matters!

Yeah, that guy was Albert Einstein! Since the scientific world began heeding his advice, the NEW advances in physics has been absolutely astounding! Up until that time, we were stuck and confounded.

So, here I am, looking at these trails in the sky, and I notice that the two trails that are some time old, have a break in them. I know exactly what caused that break in the trails. The atmospheric conditions that caused the persistence simply did not exist in that area of the sky. If that 3rd aircraft had not come by and flown through that same area of sky, it is barely possible that someone could reasonably say that the first two trails were spraying exactly the same stuff, and they changed sprayer tanks at the same time, (maybe).


HOWEVER, note that 3rd aircraft flying along at a much later time, through that SAME dry layer of sky, and THAT contrail breaks also. No one changed tanks, no one flipped a switch, no one was spraying, the air was dry and could not support a persisting trail of WATER vapor. No chemicals, WATER.

So, if someone starts to convince of some weird unreasonable theory, ask them to  show you evidence of “What” “When” “Where” and “How”? Don’t let them confuse you with “Why?”

I have seen too many videos, and writings that use drama, opinion, conjecture and in some cases outright lies, (factual evidence edited to support a false claim). There are REAL serious concerns that we need to be addressing on a global scale. These paranoic conspiracy theories only serve to distract us from the issues that ARE real, and need to be dealt with.

If it were not for that, my feeling that people I care about who could be doing something useful, are being distracted and putting energy into silly endeavors, then I would not bother to write and research and post. 🙂
