Quantum Events and the Fabric of Existence: A Detailed Hypothetical Analysis
1. Premise: Emergence from an Unstable Nothing
- Initial Assumption: The hypothesis begins with the assertion that “nothing” is not a stable state. In quantum mechanics, this “nothing” inherently possesses an instability rooted in probability.
- Quantum Event Genesis: Due to this inherent instability, a quantum event is spontaneously triggered. This event emerges from the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics, where the unstable “nothing” gives rise to the first wave of probability, initiating the chain of events that will eventually construct reality.
2. Wave-Probability and the Creation of Dimensions
- Propagation of Probability: As quantum events occur, they generate waves of probability that propagate through the nascent reality. These waves do not exist within a pre-defined space or time; rather, they create the dimensions of space and time as they propagate.
- Emergence of Space-Time: The continuous occurrence and interaction of these probability waves lead to the formation of the three spatial dimensions and one time dimension. Space is essentially a manifestation of the extent of these waves, while time is a result of their sequential occurrence and interaction.
3. Gravity: The Result of Changes in Probability
- Gravity Defined: In this hypothesis, gravity is not a force acting at a distance but a consequence of changes in probability. Specifically, gravity arises from the changes in the density of a bounded volume of quantum events. The relationship is defined, as, “The change of probability of a future event, is related to the density of existing events within a bounded volume.”
- Impact of Event Density: When the density of events within a given volume increases, the probability associated with those events changes, resulting in what we perceive as gravitational effects. These changes in probability create a “pull” towards areas of higher event density, which is experienced as gravity in the observable universe.
4. Inertia as a Product of Quantum Event Accumulation
- Event Stacking and Resistance: Inertia arises from the accumulation of quantum events over time. As events stack upon each other, they build a resistance to changes in their state. This resistance, interpreted as inertia, is not due to mass in the classical sense but is a reflection of the density and frequency of these stacked events.
- Inertia and Momentum: The hypothesis suggests that what we perceive as momentum is the effect of these stacked quantum events continuing along a trajectory in space-time, governed by the inertia generated by their accumulation. As more events stack up, the system’s inertia increases, making it more resistant to changes of existence.
5. Positive and Negative Charge: Dual Mechanisms with Magnetic Effects
- Negative Charge (Electron Model): An electron is hypothesized to be either a structure of event stacks or a single stack that collapses under the weight of accumulated probability. This collapse creates a negative charge, conceptualized as a “hole” in space-time, where events are missing or have collapsed, creating a pull backward in time.
- Positive Charge (Proton Model): Conversely, a positive charge may result from a sudden increase in event density, “punching” a hole forward in time. This forward-punched hole represents an excess of probability being pushed along the timeline, resulting in a positive charge.
- Magnetic Effects: The interaction between charges, particularly when in motion, gives rise to magnetic fields. In this hypothesis, magnetic effects are a manifestation of the alignment and movement of quantum events along these charged pathways. The magnetic field can be seen as the directional probability wavefronts generated by the movement of charges, further influenced by the underlying event density.
6. Dark Energy and Dark Matter: Extensions of Probability and Event Density
- Dark Energy: Dark energy, the accelerating expansion of the universe, may be explained within this framework as a pervasive, low-density field of quantum events that are increasing their existence, as space. This field is the result of a uniform spread of probabilistic events with low interaction cross-sections, creating a background “push” on the volume, (not fabric), of space-time. An increase of “space”.
- Dark Matter: Dark matter, which interacts gravitationally but not electromagnetically, is modeled as regions of increasing event density within galactic boundaries that does not produce charge or light but does result in gravitational effects. These could be clusters of quantum events that, while not generating electromagnetic waves, still influence the space-time fabric through changes in probability, thus explaining their gravitational pull.
7. Understanding Existence Through Quantum Events
- Observable Phenomena: All observable phenomena—particles, forces, and fields—are thus the result of complex interactions of quantum events and their propagated probability waves. Reality, as we observe it, is a volume of the existence and change of these events, with every physical manifestation being a consequence of probability wave interactions.
- Rejection of Classical Particles: This model rejects the classical notion of particles (e.g., quarks) as the fundamental building blocks of matter. Instead, it posits that waves of probability are the true primitives, and what we observe as particles are simply localized, stable patterns within these waves.
8. Conclusion: Existence as a Quantum Fabric
- Existence and Perception: Our perception of existence is inherently tied to the continuous unfolding of quantum events. The dimensions we navigate, the forces we measure, and the objects we observe are all expressions of underlying probabilistic events. In this view, the universe is not a collection of discrete objects but a dynamic and ever-changing quantum volume where reality is continuously being constructed from a foundational state of “nothing.”
This synoptic view is the result of several long ranging discussions between myself and a chat bot. I used the chat as a sounding board, which was able to restate some of my assertions and reasoning in a manner that allowed me to expand my own thoughts, while continuing to challenge my reasoning by reminding me of factual observances that must be considered.
If you choose to read my discussions, please remember to read the responses from the chatbot as well. Much of my thinking was aligned with points of discussion the chatbot included, without any attempt on my part to specify my agreement with, simply accepting the conclusive nature of the point, and then expanding on that or including it later without a specific reference to the point.
The entire discussion was edited by me, to what I considered salient points, though in some cases I include the entirety of an exchange without edit.
The discussions themselves are spread out over several weeks, and in several chat sessions.
In any case, please refer to the synopsis here, in reference to reading the discussions, which I hope provides a firmer framework of understanding the process of thought I was expressing in the discussions.
Existence then, is the realm of reality that lays within the probability limits of the infinitely improbable, (zero), and the infinitely probable, (one).
I notice that the conditions of existence shortly after the emergence of time and space set up a situation of rapidly increasing density of probability waves inducing motion within an unordered volume of events, turning relative disorder to a a relative order of a space revolving around a denser center.
The result of this is a dense volume of events rotating within a rapidly expanding outer shell of events. This inner density increases in density, providing the environment to pack events into stacks. The first engine of existence that is changing space into momentum.
As that process continues, it sets up the first bang, or the little bang that expands that dense core to follow the expansion of the shell. “First Bang”. Yep, I said it.
It was the first bang that assembled separate events into replicating stacks. Which would become the DNA of waveforms that would assemble into what we now erroneously consider, measure and observe as “particles”.
A photon is one such DNA fragment. It is the pattern of replication that can be assembled into various waveforms. The basic unit stack, that was first assembled in the core of the first “star”, that eventually became so dense that it “tried” to become a black hole, but failed, because there was not enough “mass” in existence to support it at that time. The first bang.
After considering the photon, as well as other so called “massless” structures, these are stacks of events within a two dimensional structure, the stacks are distributed along the time dimension, as other structures, and also along a spatial direction.
The events occurring are in fact “mass”, as each one of many is contributing to the cumulative propagation of probability waves we measure as gravity. Each stack is independently aligned or distributed along it’s own timeline of existence. Recall that that alignment along a time line, is determined by the right hand rule of field evaluation. This results in unpolarized behavior of the structure, while allowing various probability wave interactions to alter the distribution direction of the stacks, so that a polarized result is observed.
Please see the next article, which details a double slit experiment that demonstrates that the structures presumed to be particles when observed, are in fact wave form behaviors that are manipulated by method of detection to resemble the behavior of undiffracted wave structures.
There is also a short discussion about the “crystal” behavior of replication patters of existence.