Better Pledge of Allegience
I pledge, allegiance to the people of the United States of America, and to defend our constitution on which we depend. One nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all
Category Archives: Politics |
Better Pledge of AllegienceI pledge, allegiance to the people of the United States of America, and to defend our constitution on which we depend. One nation, indivisible with liberty and justice for all |
A view on criminal violenceI have a comment, I have been involved in violent conflict. I have no idea what particular circumstances might be present in a conflict. Therefor I agree with the folks who disdain the “if I had a gun there, I woulda… yadayada.” Because, the reality of this sudden violence is that it never seems to […] |
Ocean energy, repriseThis will be a long one, so roll up your sleeves, put on your thinking cap, and let’s jump in this. Normandy Beach, D-Day invasion, WW II, the allies decided to hit the french beaches in an area where there was no port to offload men and supplies to continue the push to victory. Instead […] |
BETTER ENERGY PRODUCTION!!!Solar power, wind power, wave power, tidal power. Let’s COMBINE those technologies! Build floating blocks that anchor to the ocean floor, connect those blocks with hydraulic rams that pump fluid to turn generators, activated by waves. Under those blocks, tidal turbines that operate as the tides and currents work against the anchors. On top of […] |
Child vehicle death prevention.I will once again propose a solution to the emerging incidence of children being left in vehicles to be injured or die, by caregivers distracted by incidental events. This is a LOW COST and VOLUNTARY solution, and it WILL work to reduce those deaths and injuries. The solution is to install a set of wiring […] |
4 Branch RepriseReally, consider that every election cycle we sit around sweating over the results, pinning our hopes and dreams on a favorable outcome, and we do this like some gambling addict in Vegas. “If only we win this election, we can start fixing things.” Compared to: “If only I get that one card, I will be […] |
Constitutional RepublicA representative, constitutional republic, using a democratic decision process. There are layers within my proposal, that are not obvious, because the concepts I designed are new, never been even considered. The public will never be authorized to write laws. That removes the “mob rule” problem. We elect congress to write laws. Those people have no […] |
Rational economy.We need to fix our currency. We use debt based currency now, because we can never run out of debt. However that causes the monopoly game mentality. So does Gold, or wheat based currency. BitCoin is another debt based currency with the same problems. A successful economy will serve the entire population it affects. Leaving […] |
Fiat Currency, evil.Fiat currency is convenient, because when it is issued, it becomes real. An economy based on fiat currency, or debt, can never run out of currency. Unlike currency backed by commodity, such as gold, silver or even wheat, the amount of that commodity is finite, and if more currency is required to support an economy, […] |
Taxes and poverty. Social order.Well. Let’s get right to it shall we? Imagine yourself in a small village, and learning a trade or craft. You are smart, diligent and hard working. Eventually you get quite good at producing some product or service that people value, and you improve your process so that you can provide more for less cost […] |