What I find fascinating is that the vast majority of humanity seems convinced, deluded perhaps, into agreeing that majority rule must be evil,
and then are absolutely convinced, deluded perhaps, into agreeing, nay, insisting that elections must be used, ya know, majority rules,
then the people elected must use democratic decision process, ya know majority rules,
and if the people don’t like those decisions, we can replace them, by using, ya know majority rules…
So much evil….
Then they act all horribly shocked when evil is the result…
I often remind myself that the people of the USA are some very inspiring animals, just look at what we have accomplished over the last couple centuries, IN SPITE OF MORONIC DECISION PROCESS WE USED AS A FORM OF GOVERNMENT!!
I enjoy imagining what humanity could accomplish with a rational representative government.
Oligarchy is a form of government, (a decision process used by humans to make decisions organizing a society by enactment, amendment and repeal and enforcement of law and policy). An oligarchy is defined as “rule by few”, which means that only a few, or a minority of the public is involved in that decision process, with that decision authority.
A democracy is the converse, of oligarchy, and exclusive to oligarchy. These two major forms of government are contradictory to each other, a democracy cannot be an oligarchy.
A rule by majority process cannot be also a rule by minority process. It can only be one of those forms, not both. Nor can there be any hybrid of those forms. Either the decisions of law and policy are made by a minority of the public, or a majority of the public.
HOWEVER, this is important, an oligarchy is absolutely capable of making the exact same decisions that a democracy does. The PROCESS is different but the results can be identical.
This is how an oligarchy pretends to be a republic. Whenever the public majority becomes agitated, angry and frustrated with their government, an oligarchy, those few people in positions of decision authority begin making decisions calculated to align with public opinion, and thus, the public begins to relax and stop carrying the pitchforks and torches.
Notice that the process is still rule by minority, but it is behaving in a benevolent manner, to calm the public. When the public is calm, it is VERY easy to delude the people into accepting that the system is functioning as a democracy.
Because, the RESULT is the same.
However, once the public is calmed down enough and accepting the delusion of democracy, then those decisions can once again begin benefiting the few, (those people we elected), and their buddies. Until of course, the public gets angry again.
For instance, a nation might elect a king every 4 years. That is certainly democratic. But, the result is not a democracy. It’s a monarchy. A democratic monarchy.
Every tiger is a cat, but not every cat is a tiger.
Democracy is a form of government. The structure of a democracy is not specified within democracy.
It is simply a form. One of only two major forms of government, and each major form may be structured in many ways.
The other form is oligarchy, rule by minority. Democracy is rule by majority.
What do we mean by “rule”?
What do we mean by “government”?
Technically government is a decision process used for enactment and enforcement of law and policy within a society, while a form of government is a specification of that process (usually specified within a document called a “Constitution”), and a nation is the instantiation of that specified process.
Therefor, rule, is a direct participation in the decision process, that makes decisions of law and policy.
A ruler, then, is one that has direct law and policy decision authority within that process.
Understand this, *within that process*, is not optional, nor does it include participation or authority outside that process.
The public mentioned above, that elected a king, are NOT rulers, their participation was outside the law and policy decision process, they chose a ruler, but are not rulers themselves by doing so. They participated in a different process, not the law and policy process. The resulting form of government has ONE ruler. The king. A monarchy.
So, what if the public elected a council that made the decisions of law and policy? We can see that now the king, no longer has that sole authority, it is no longer a monarchy. The council has that authority.
That nation might have a constitution that specifies that election of a council, and the king. That constitution, might even specify certain protections of the public from that decision authority of the elected council.
It’s not a monarchy, but it’s not a democracy either. It’s just a minority of the public provided the decision authority of law and policy imposed on the public, with some protections specified that prevents the council from enacting certain laws and policies. Just another oligarchy, rule by minority.
A constitutional democratic oligarchy. Not a democracy.
That nation might even use a constitution, that specifies the election of a president, and a congress with two chambers or houses, and a judicial arm appointed to a supreme court, and sub-processes that attempt to balance decision authority amongst those 545 people in a nation of 300 million, with a set of amendments attempting to protect the rights of individuals….
545 people with constitutional decision authority to enact and enforce law and policy within a society of 300 million. A clear minority. Still, an oligarchy, a constitutional democratic oligarchy. Not a democracy.
Yep, so don’t vote to ELECT your representative.
Choose someone to represent you.
If you want to vote no, and if Bob is voting yes, on the matter, and Sally is voting no, and you chose Bob, as your representative, then do not give your ballot to BOB!!! Give it to SALLY.
Bob is still your registered Rep, but you declined to be misrepresented by Bob on this matter. For THIS vote you gave your ballot to Sally, who you know is voting NO. You know Bob is voting YES.
How do you know this? Because Bob and Sally are both REQUIRED, as registered representatives to PUBLISH their vote on every matter. They cannot change that once they published it. You KNOW how each rep will vote. You choose the one you agree with.
Bob sends you regular updates about what matters are coming up for decision. You are INFORMED on the matter, because your representative keeps you informed, that is their JOB! They also move any input YOU have up the chain of consideration, and if enough people have the same input, it goes on the ballot.
Your chosen, not elected representative behaves like your hand. Your proxy.
When you give your ballot to Sally, she does not gain anything over Bob. It’s not like Sally has more power of decision authority with your ballot.
If Sally has 300 registered constituents, and of those 300, 273 agree with you and Sally and want to vote NO, then Sally reports, 274 NO ballots. Yours, and hers, and 272 other citizens. You are REPRESENTED, not misrepresented.
SALLY does not gain any power from this, people either use her to represent their own decision, or they choose someone else. Sally does not go to congress to vote, you and your vote and your representative has NOTHING to do with Congress.
YOU and ME and BOB and SALLY and those 272 other citizens make the decisions, not Congress. Congress never votes on a damn thing, they don’t make those decisions. WE do, we the people, make those decisions, and we use representatives to do that.
Any questions?
I know many of you cannot comprehend the evil in the “system”…
However the people who have a LOT more influence on POLICY than your vote can hope to equal, some of them, many of them, are looking at the devastation of hurricanes, tornadoes and drought and wildfires, not as some kind of tragedy that must be prevented, but rather as INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR PROFIT!!!!