Peace Talks


Government as specified in a constitution provides human society a process for organizing peace between disagreement.

(Obviously some forms of ‘process’ function better than others, some don’t work at all…)

People do disagree and we make mistakes. shrugz

I often write about decision process of law and policy being a government, yet many others seem inclined to desire a statement of purpose. An intentional decision.

This evening under green smoke, a credible purpose bubble popped with words on my tablet.

Organizing Peace Between Disagreement


Just sayin’

Intentional decisions such as building wildlife corridors are relatively easy, while operational decisions might be impossible under certain conditions.

For instance, the locations of those ops. If the intention is to build a bridge on the moon, failure is an option, as would simple declaration to dissolve all government fail.

Generally operations require a hierarchy organization, a manager with a staff. Similar to a business or military or naval operation. This is why 4 branch government specifies that agency management shall be elected by the people.

We the people control operations by election and recall of managers of operations and their staff.

This is a powerful tool of OPBD. Control of business, military, and naval operations for the PURPOSE of organizing PEACE.

People can make intentional decisions that manage or resolve disagreement. There are people that study problems such as wildlife corridors that can advise us of potential solutions. There are people capable of managing an agency that builds wildlife corridors.

Those managers we elect, work to achieve the result intended by the people as decided by the people using directly chosen representatives, (or direct ballot) as advised by the people we elected to a congress. Those managers run operations.

The use of representatives specified in 4 branch, results in exactly the same decision as voting directly by the people.

A government designed to organize a society of humans that make mistakes and disagree with a process organizing peace between disagreement.

Yes, people make mistakes. Small groups are as likely to make mistakes as are large groups, unless either group is significantly more knowledgeable than the other.

Which is why the people elect people to congress that are knowledgeable and trustworthy as advisors, not representatives. A small group of people knowledgeable about matters that the people might be deciding to intend.
Intentional decisions result in operations.

Operations that are organized as advised by people knowledgeable on the matter, are less prone to failure. Fewer mistakes.



First Branch Authority

I did not write this as a flowery descriptive piece. I wrote it in a terse, definitive manner.
I did that on purpose. I did not write it for fools, that cannot comprehend the use of language to define. I wrote it for people willing to exert critical thinking skills to worry through the meaning.