Science of government


Science of government.

In the same fashion that you can describe, using language the difference between a triangle and a square, we can use language to describe and enforce the difference between oligarchy and democracy.

I suggest that if we cannot use the terms of common language to determine whether a specific government is a democracy xor oligarchy, then we are using the language incorrectly.

Government is the decision process humans use organizing social structure.

Representation is not equivalent to misrepresentation.

A representative invokes the decision of the represented, regardless of the agreement of the representative.
A ruler invokes the decision of the ruler, regardless of the agreement of the citizens being ruled.

Individuals authorized by decision process to enact, amend and repeal law and policy enforced on society are rulers.

Every government is either rule by majority xor rule by minority. There are no hybrids. The relation is exclusive.

A malevolent government cannot be a democracy.

A benevolent government may be an oligarchy xor a democracy.

A Republic requires representation. It’s not optional.

Elections do not result in representatives, elections result in a minority of rulers.

If the use of representatives does not result in the same decision that a direct vote of the citizens, then the process is not representation, it is misrepresentation.

There are no elected representatives. It is a self contradictory oxymoronic use of language.

Just as Euclid abandoned the use of goat entrails, a rigorous evaluation of government must abandon elections for representation. Goat guts did not define shapes and elections do not define representation.


When we examine decision process enacting and enforcing law and policy the relation is exclusive. Euclid used axioms and postulates to define language that describes shapes. The axioms and postulates I have defined previous, explain why a circle cannot be a triangle, a democracy cannot be an oligarchy nor can there be any hybrid.



I suggest that we enforce semantic rigor, and insist that decision authority is not power. Power is used for enforcement of law and policy. Authority is used for decision process.


A representative invokes YOUR decision, regardless of their agreement.
A Ruler invokes THEIR decision, regardless of your agreement.
Once you comprehend that distinction, then you will understand the difference between a republic and an oligarchy.

Organizing Peace Between Disagreement.
4 branch decision process. Government of the people, by the people for the people.