

We could hire advisors to seats in Congress and elect management of agencies. This process of hiring people as advisors and managers would use simple majority of votes cast.

If a candidate receives fifty one votes out of a hundred that person is hired.
Note this is not how the First Branch decides whether a law is enacted amended or repealed. Recall that the public branch, the first branch makes decisions of law and policy by majority of citizens. In a town of 374 citizens deciding animal control law, 147 ballots collected could not be sufficient to enact that law even if more ballots were yes. (103 yes/44 no) The minimum majority would be 185 yes votes. 50% + 1
Recall as well, that citizens use a ballot that provides the public decision authority of the majority threshold. If a significant minority chooses a higher majority threshold then the majority must be larger. If the threshold calculates to 67% then enactment would require 251 yes ballots. This provides minority defense from “the mob”. It is constrained democracy.
The ballots for hiring are simple majority of votes cast with no option for choosing majority threshold, citizens are not enacting law, the decision is employee hiring.
In that town of 374, an advisor could be hired with 147 ballots with a simple majority of votes cast. (75/72)
A dog catcher could be hired with 3 ballots. (2/1)
Removal of an advisor or management by :force: would require simple majority of citizens, again not of votes cast. 147 remove/37 keep ballots would not remove the dog catcher. That would require at least 185 remove votes. Even if the vote to hire was 2 votes and one no vote.
At the federal level, the election of executive branch, legislative branch and judicial branch is decided as employee hiring and removal.
The decision to enact law requires majority of citizens, that majority determined by the votes cast.
That threshold is calculated as votes are counted, calculation begins if simple majority is reached. The citizens that vote quickly have the best influence on that calculation.
The decision to enact or not is decided when the majority threshold is reached, or the bill expires without reaching threshold.
A federal bill will generally expire after 365 days from the date it was passed to the first branch for decision. The expiration may be specified by the bill author.
Generally in local decisions, that expiration might be 30 days, or more or less.
I hope this helps people to comprehend the four branch decision process used as a form of government by the public, the First Branch.