Them vs Democracy


Them: Democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner!

Democracy is 51% of the population voting to remove the liberty/freedom from the remaining 49%!

Democracy is mob rule!

Me: I have no doubt that if you were asked to design a democracy, you would specify a catastrophic disaster of stupidity and ignorance, because you’d make sure to do it the absolute dumbest fucking way possible, right?

Not a chance that you would think about any problems and challenges of a democracy, and attempt any design elements to resolve and manage those at all, Oh, if 50%+1 is a problem, let’s make damn sure NEVER to think of ANY POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVE!!!

Most people, when considering a direct democracy, stop their consideration once they imagine the dumbest way possible to implement the dumbest specification.

There is no reasonable position that it would be socially prudent to accept such a situation.

Yet, that is the “view” of people opposing democracy as a decision process want you to consider, and they do NOT want you to even begin to think about a BETTER plan. They want you to stop thinking as soon as you agree to their “dumbest way possible”.


One of the common arguments against democracy is that it is like 3 wolves and a sheep voting on what to eat for dinner.

But that is a lie.

The better comparison would be 3 wolves and 100 million sheep voting on what to eat for dinner.

(Hint, the wolves would not be able to kill the sheep, for profit, fun, or dinner. Nor would the wolves be able to incite the sheep to kill each other, so the wolves can feast on the carnage.)

What our constitutional decision process does, is to install the three wolves as representatives of the sheep, then the wolves vote on what to eat for dinner.

THINK about that.

Them: You write and write and write and still don’t refute the fact that democracy is mob rule!

Me: So is a republic, if it factually uses “representation”, instead of misrepresentation, Just sayin, bone dude.

Them: Our government/country is SUPPOSED to be a republic. Not a democracy. 200 plus years of sheeple have turned into what it is now. Go look in the mirror if you want to see the culprit!

Me: Yes, it was supposed to be a republic, just as the attack on Pearl Harbor was supposed to be such a devastating crippling injury, that the US would simply give up…

Well, that did not work.

Just as the founders fucked up THEIR plan…

If the US constitution specified a REPRESENTATIVE government, then every decision of enactment and enforcement of law and policy would be the EXACT same result as if every citizen voted directly….

If that does not happen, (and it does NOT,,,)

Then it ain’t representation, it’s MISREPRESENTATION…


Guess who?

Them: Go spout your nonsensical ramblings to someone that gives a fuck.

I’m not your enemy, I’m just stating factual information about what a democracy is. I’m tired of idiots going on about “our precious democracy” THERE IS NO SUCH THING!!!

Me: Correct, the US is not any form of democracy, nor is it a republic.
It’s an oligarchy, rule by minority, and it has been that exact form of government, OLIGARCHY, since the moment the rag was ratified.

You know, as a factual matter the SECOND attempt to form a government was not the ONLY plan they fucked up.

They tried some raggedy ass confederacy before they formed the secret, (SECRET!!!!) second continental convention. (secret should be yer first clue…)

That confederacy fell apart rather quickly because they had no fucking clue how to put a government together… They were ignorant frightened, rich assholes from england terrified that the same people that shot british soldiers would come for them next.

I am somewhat impressed at what they did manage to cobble together under the circumstances, but it sure as hell is not a REPUBLIC.

Me: What YOU are saying is functionally IDENTICAL to what ole King George was telling the colonists.

YOU people are too fucking stupid to be trusted with making decisions of your lives, you need RULERS!

So, the founders could not just say the same damned thing now could they??

NO, they had to convince the public of the time, that THEY, the PEOPLE had that decision authority, administered via elected representatives.

THAT was the reason they were in SECRET!

That is EXACTLY the damn problem… the people we elect are NOT representatives. They are RULERS!!!