First Branch Authority


(revised 2024-07-04)

First Branch Authority

In this republic form of government using four branches, the first branch has the ultimate and precedent authority. Amendment of specification of this form of government shall require 90% approval of citizen population.

The first branch is a voluntary population of citizens, comprised of each and every citizen volunteer. Citizens have rights, authorities and responsibilities. The Public Branch.

One right that this government is predicated on, is that individual citizens own their body and mind. This right predicates the citizen authority to make decisions in this government.

Article One.
The right of accurate and reliable representation of each and every citizen shall not be infringed by legislative act or constitutional process.

Citizens thus, accept the authority and responsibility for those decisions.

Each citizen may choose to use a representative. Each citizen is responsible for such use of a representative. Representatives are Public Branch employees. Representatives are not elected.
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The decisions made by this government process are those that;

1. Protect rights.

2. Enact, repeal, amend law and policy.

3. Choose and hire members of executive, legislative, majority and minority judicial, agency management positions.

Each of those decision forms are processed differently.
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The decisions to protect rights shall be the exclusive authority and responsibility of the First Branch, the Public. The citizen volunteer population.

The decisions to protect rights begin with citizens asserting a right. If 25% of the citizens assert a right then the judicial branch shall task the legislative branch to consider creating an article of protection. Such article shall define the right being protected, the scope and scale of protection, exceptions to be allowed.

The legislative branch shall then confer and write a bill that presents the decision to the public branch of publishing that protection as an Article of Protection.

The bill proposing the article shall be passed from the legislative to the judicial branch for review.

The judicial branch will test the bill against existing Articles, law and policy. Judicial review shall reject the bill if contradictory to existing Article(s). Rejected bills shall be passed to legislative branch for further consideration.

Bills contradicting existing law or policy shall be held and a ruling published defining the contradicting law or policies such that the first branch authority to amend or repeal such is invoked or fails. If the First Branch fails to amend or repeal contradictory law or policy, the bill is rejected and passed back to the legislative branch for revision.

Passing judicial review, the bill is presented to the First Branch for decision.

Public Branch shall decide to publish a bill as an Article of Protection with 50% + 1 approval of the citizen majority.

Amendment of existing Article of Protection shall require 67% majority of citizens.

Repeal of Article of Protection shall require 80% majority of citizens.

Decisions to protect rights shall begin upon presentation of bill to the public, and such decision shall be failed if not approved by majority within 60 days, unless the bill specifies a different duration.
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The decisions to enact, amend, repeal law and policy shall be the exclusive authority and responsibility of the First Branch, the Public. The citizen volunteer population.

The public branch may use;

-1. initiative,

-2. referendum

-3. legislative

process to present a bill for decision.
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-1. Each initiative shall define a law or policy to be enacted, amended or repealed.

An initiative shall be passed to the judicial branch for review upon 25% majority assertion of initiative. The judicial review shall presume such bill contravenes existing Article of Protection, law or policy. A bill passing judicial review shall be presented to the public for decision. An initiative bill failing judicial review shall be rejected and returned to author for revision.

-2. A referendum shall be defined as a problem to be resolved or managed by law or policy.

Each referendum shall be passed as a tasking order to the legislative branch upon 25% majority assertion of referendum.

The legislative branch authorized by referendum tasking shall confer and write a bill or range of bills to be presented for judicial review. Referendum bills that fail judicial review shall be returned to legislative branch for revision. passing bills shall be presented to the public for decision.

-3. The legislative process begins with executive branch decision to solve or manage a problem by law or policy.

The executive branch passes a legislative tasking order authorizing the legislative branch to consider, confer, and write a bill or range of bills that are intended to solve or manage the problem defined in the tasking order.

The legislative branch shall not be authorized to write any bill unless passed a tasking order from public referendum, judicial or executive branch.

Legislative bills shall be passed to judicial branch for review.

Failing review bills shall be returned to legislative branch for revision.

Bills passing judicial review shall be passed to executive branch for review for plausibility and cost accounting.

Failing bills shall be returned to legislative branch for revision.

Passing bills shall be presented for public decision.
Bills brought to decision by Initiative, Referendum, legislative shall be presented to First Branch for decision, enacted or rejected.

Each bill, presented to the public for decision that enacts, amends, repeals law or policy shall be enacted upon a majority decision of citizens, such majority threshold calculated by ballot. Calculation of majority shall begin when simple majority attained.

Calculation of majority threshold shall not begin, prior to a simple majority of citizens voting yes.
The majority threshold calculation begins with count of each majority threshold on each ballot counted.

The count of each ballot majority threshold choice shall be calculated as a percentage of the total number of choices. The result of such calculation shall be limited to no more than two decimal places with the last decimal digit rounded to nearest integer.

The calculated percentages shall be added to a total, and that resulting number shall be divided by the number five. The result of such calculation shall be limited to no more than two decimal places with the last decimal digit rounded to nearest integer.That result shall be the calculated majority threshold required for approval.

Ballot of enactment, amendment, repeal of law or policy shall be offered to each and every citizen either directly or to registered representative.

Each ballot shall be marked with bill number, citizen ID number, ballot number, decision options, majority threshold options.
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Public Branch decision process to enact amend repeal law and policy shall be accounted as approved by ballot if the yes count exceeds the majority threshold determined by ballots cast that specify majority threshold.
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The decisions to choose and hire members of executive, legislative, majority judicial, agency management position shall be the exclusive authority and responsibility of the First Branch, the Public. The citizen volunteer population.

The decisions to choose and hire individual citizens for executive, legislative, majority judicial positions shall be by ballot. Such decision shall be accounted by simple majority of 51% of ballots cast.

The number of citizens to be chosen for hire to positions of executive, legislative, judicial branches and agency management shall be specified by enactment of law, or as such number shall equal or exceed one citizen as executive, three citizens as legislative, one citizen as judicial.

The executive branch may be authorized to appoint one citizen as a minority to the judicial branch.
The legislative branch may have the authority to appoint one or more individual citizens, but no more than two less than the majority judicial positions, to the judicial minority.

Decision to choose and hire individual citizens for agency management shall require a precedent law creating agency being managed, that includes or specifies a precedent policy enactment that specifies purpose, scope, authority, and other such limitations and specifications as determined by First Branch approval of initiative, referendum, or legislative enactment.
Decision to choose and hire agency management position shall be accounted by simple majority of 51% of ballots cast.

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Representative Registration and Responsibilities

1. Registration Process:
a. Eligibility: Any citizen may register to become a representative.
b. Registration: Representatives must register through a designated government portal, providing necessary credentials.
c. Verification: The registration process includes a verification step to ensure the authenticity of the representative’s identity and credentials.

2. Role and Function:
a. Data Reporting: Representatives are required to accurately report data from Congress, the courts, and the executive branch to the public. They must also report data from the public to the accounting process for ballots and to Congress, the courts, and the executive branch regarding articles, initiatives, referendums, and elections for agencies and subservient branch positions.
b. Ballot Collection and Submission: Representatives are responsible for collecting and transmitting ballots accurately from citizens to the appropriate governmental bodies.
c. Information Dissemination: Representatives must ensure that citizens are informed about legislative updates, judicial rulings, and executive actions.

3. Citizen Interaction:
a. Selection: Citizens select representatives based on trust and perceived alignment with their own views.
b. Ballot Control: Citizens retain ultimate control over their ballots. They can choose to release their ballot to a representative or withdraw it at any time before the vote is cast.
c. Temporary Representation: Citizens may temporarily assign their ballot to a different representative for specific issues if they disagree with their primary representative’s position.

4. Voting Process:
a. Communication Methods: Representatives may offer various methods of communication such as text messages, email, paper, blockchain security, and others, allowing citizens to choose the method that best suits their needs.
b. Standing Execute Proxy Schedule: Representatives may offer a menu of options for ballot execution:
1. Automatic Execute: A schedule where a citizen’s ballot is automatically executed unless they cancel it within a specified timeframe (e.g., one week).
2. Manual Authorization: A schedule where a citizen’s ballot is only executed upon explicit authorization for each vote.
3. Customized Voting Recipes: Options for tailored voting approaches, where representatives provide sophisticated suites of voting instructions based on specific criteria or simple approaches like consistently voting “NO” on all matters.

5. Oversight and Accountability:
a. Participation History: Every citizen has access to their participation history, which is used to hold representatives accountable. Representatives must accurately collect and transmit data streams, and any failures in this regard can result in the loss of their registered status.
b. Audits: Periodic audits are conducted to verify that representatives are performing their duties accurately.
c. Penalties: Representatives who engage in misconduct or fail to accurately report data face penalties, including suspension or revocation of their representative status.

6. Feedback and Amendments:
a. Citizen Feedback: A system for citizens to provide feedback on their representatives’ performance.
b. Amendments: Procedures for amending the representative framework based on feedback and evolving needs.

This is a description of how the citizens use representatives:

Yep, so don’t vote to ELECT your representative.
Choose someone to represent you.

If you want to vote no, and if Bob is voting yes, on the matter, and Sally is voting no, and you chose Bob, as your representative, then do not give your ballot to BOB!!! Give it to SALLY.

Bob is still your registered Rep, but you declined to be misrepresented by Bob on this matter. For THIS vote you gave your ballot to Sally, who you know is voting NO. You know Bob is voting YES.

How do you know this? Because Bob and Sally are both REQUIRED, as registered representatives to PUBLISH their vote on every matter. They cannot change that once they published it. You KNOW how each rep will vote. You choose the one you agree with.

Bob sends you regular updates about what matters are coming up for decision. You are INFORMED on the matter, because your representative keeps you informed, that is their JOB! They also move any input YOU have up the chain of consideration, and if enough people have the same input, it goes on the ballot.

Your chosen, not elected representative behaves like your hand. Your proxy.
When you give your ballot to Sally, she does not gain anything over Bob. It’s not like Sally has more power of decision authority with your ballot.

If Sally has 300 registered constituents, and of those 300, 273 agree with you and Sally and want to vote NO, then Sally reports, 274 NO ballots. Yours, and hers, and 272 other citizens. You are REPRESENTED, not misrepresented.

SALLY does not gain any power from this, people either use her to represent their own decision, or they choose someone else. Sally does not go to congress to vote, you and your vote and your representative has NOTHING to do with Congress.

YOU and ME and BOB and SALLY and those 272 other citizens make the decisions, not Congress. Congress never votes on a damn thing, they don’t make those decisions. WE do, we the people, make those decisions, and we use representatives to do that.

Any questions?

That’s a great question about the potential counterarguments and criticisms that might arise against the proposed decentralized governance system and the controlled testing/experimentation approach.

Here are some of the key arguments I could foresee being made against this model:

1. Lack of Stability and Continuity:
– Critics may argue that the constant citizen-driven selection of leaders could lead to instability, with frequent turnover and lack of long-term strategic planning.
– They may claim the system is too volatile and unpredictable to provide the stability needed for effective governance.

2. Risk of Populism and Demagoguery:
– Opponents may contend that direct citizen voting could open the door to populist or demagogic figures gaining power, without the checks and balances of traditional party structures.
– There may be concerns about the potential for mob rule or uninformed decision-making by the citizenry.

3. Logistical and Technological Challenges:
– Critics may highlight the practical difficulties of implementing large-scale direct citizen voting, in terms of voter registration, ballot distribution, counting, auditing, etc.
– They may question whether the necessary technological infrastructure and security measures are feasible, especially in developing contexts like Haiti.

4. Undermining of Expertise and Institutional Knowledge:
– Opponents may argue that excluding professional politicians and technocrats from key positions could lead to a loss of relevant expertise and institutional memory.
– They may claim the system prioritizes popular appeal over competence and qualifications.

5. Potential for Extremism and Factionalism:
– Critics may worry that the lack of political parties could allow extreme ideological factions to gain disproportionate influence.
– They may fear that the system could become overly fractious, with citizens divided into small, competing interest groups.

6. Doubts about Controlled Experimentation:
– Some may question the validity and generalizability of findings from controlled academic experiments, arguing that real-world conditions are too complex to be adequately simulated.
– There could be skepticism about the ability to truly test the full effects of such a radical governance shift in a controlled setting.

These are just some of the potential counterarguments I can envision. Of course, proponents of the model would need to have well-reasoned responses to address these critiques head-on, both in the experimental and real-world contexts.

Anticipating and thoroughly considering these types of objections will be crucial in building a robust case for the viability and potential benefits of this decentralized governance approach. Let me know if you have any other thoughts on potential opposition to this system.

There are several articles that include similar descriptions of this process that I wrote and posted on my website. Here are a couple links:


edges of democracy

Need a new Government?



(revised 2024-05-07)

First Branch Authority

In this republic form of government using four branches, the first branch has the ultimate and precedent authority. Amendment of specification of this form of government shall require 90% approval of citizen population.

The first branch is a voluntary population of citizens, comprised of each and every citizen volunteer. Citizens have rights, authorities and responsibilities. The Public Branch.

One right that this government is predicated on, is that individual citizens own their body and mind. This right predicates the citizen authority to make decisions in this government.

Article One.
The right of accurate and reliable representation of each and every citizen shall not be infringed by legislative act or constitutional process.

Citizens thus, accept the authority and responsibility for those decisions.

Each citizen may choose to use a representative. Each citizen is responsible for such use of a representative. Representatives are Public Branch employees. Representatives are not elected.
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The decisions made by this government process are those that;

1. Protect rights.

2. Enact, repeal, amend law and policy.

3. Choose and hire members of executive, legislative, majority and minority judicial, agency management positions.

Each of those decision forms are processed differently.
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The decisions to protect rights shall be the exclusive authority and responsibility of the First Branch, the Public. The citizen volunteer population.

The decisions to protect rights begin with citizens asserting a right. If 25% of the citizens assert a right then the judicial branch shall task the legislative branch to consider creating an article of protection. Such article shall define the right being protected, the scope and scale of protection, exceptions to be allowed.

The legislative branch shall then confer and write a bill that presents the decision to the public branch of publishing that protection as an Article of Protection.

The bill proposing the article shall be passed from the legislative to the judicial branch for review.

The judicial branch will test the bill against existing Articles, law and policy. Judicial review shall reject the bill if contradictory to existing Article(s). Rejected bills shall be passed to legislative branch for further consideration.

Bills contradicting existing law or policy shall be held and a ruling published defining the contradicting law or policies such that the first branch authority to amend or repeal such is invoked or fails. If the First Branch fails to amend or repeal contradictory law or policy, the bill is rejected and passed back to the legislative branch for revision.

Passing judicial review, the bill is presented to the First Branch for decision.

Public Branch shall decide to publish a bill as an Article of Protection with 50% + 1 approval of the citizen majority.

Amendment of existing Article of Protection shall require 67% majority of citizens.

Repeal of Article of Protection shall require 80% majority of citizens.

Decisions to protect rights shall begin upon presentation of bill to the public, and such decision shall be failed if not approved by majority within 60 days, unless the bill specifies a different duration.
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The decisions to enact, amend, repeal law and policy shall be the exclusive authority and responsibility of the First Branch, the Public. The citizen volunteer population.

The public branch may use;

-1. initiative,

-2. referendum

-3. legislative

process to present a bill for decision.
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-1. Each initiative shall define a law or policy to be enacted, amended or repealed.

An initiative shall be passed to the judicial branch for review upon 25% majority assertion of initiative. The judicial review shall presume such bill contravenes existing Article of Protection, law or policy. A bill passing judicial review shall be presented to the public for decision. An initiative bill failing judicial review shall be rejected and returned to author for revision.

-2. A referendum shall be defined as a problem to be resolved or managed by law or policy.

Each referendum shall be passed as a tasking order to the legislative branch upon 25% majority assertion of referendum.

The legislative branch authorized by referendum tasking shall confer and write a bill or range of bills to be presented for judicial review. Referendum bills that fail judicial review shall be returned to legislative branch for revision. passing bills shall be presented to the public for decision.

-3. The legislative process begins with executive branch decision to solve or manage a problem by law or policy.

The executive branch passes a legislative tasking order authorizing the legislative branch to consider, confer, and write a bill or range of bills that are intended to solve or manage the problem defined in the tasking order.

The legislative branch shall not be authorized to write any bill unless passed a tasking order from public referendum, judicial or executive branch.

Legislative bills shall be passed to judicial branch for review.

Failing review bills shall be returned to legislative branch for revision.

Bills passing judicial review shall be passed to executive branch for review for plausibility and cost accounting.

Failing bills shall be returned to legislative branch for revision.

Passing bills shall be presented for public decision.
Bills brought to decision by Initiative, Referendum, legislative shall be presented to First Branch for decision, enacted or rejected.

Each bill, presented to the public for decision that enacts, amends, repeals law or policy shall be enacted upon a majority decision of citizens, such majority threshold calculated by ballot. Calculation of majority shall begin when simple majority attained.

Calculation of majority threshold shall not begin, prior to a simple majority of citizens voting yes.
The majority threshold calculation begins with count of each majority threshold on each ballot counted.

The count of each ballot majority threshold choice shall be calculated as a percentage of the total number of choices. The result of such calculation shall be limited to no more than two decimal places with the last decimal digit rounded to nearest integer.

The calculated percentages shall be added to a total, and that resulting number shall be divided by the number five. The result of such calculation shall be limited to no more than two decimal places with the last decimal digit rounded to nearest integer.That result shall be the calculated majority threshold required for approval.

Ballot of enactment, amendment, repeal of law or policy shall be offered to each and every citizen either directly or to registered representative.

Each ballot shall be marked with bill number, citizen ID number, ballot number, decision options, majority threshold options.
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Public Branch decision process to enact amend repeal law and policy shall be accounted as approved by ballot if the yes count exceeds the majority threshold determined by ballots cast that specify majority threshold.
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The decisions to choose and hire members of executive, legislative, majority judicial, agency management position shall be the exclusive authority and responsibility of the First Branch, the Public. The citizen volunteer population.

The decisions to choose and hire individual citizens for executive, legislative, majority judicial positions shall be by ballot. Such decision shall be accounted by simple majority of 51% of ballots cast.

The number of citizens to be chosen for hire to positions of executive, legislative, judicial branches and agency management shall be specified by enactment of law, or as such number shall equal or exceed one citizen as executive, three citizens as legislative, one citizen as judicial.

The executive branch may be authorized to appoint one citizen as a minority to the judicial branch.
The legislative branch may have the authority to appoint one or more individual citizens, but no more than two less than the majority judicial positions, to the judicial minority.

Decision to choose and hire individual citizens for agency management shall require a precedent law creating agency being managed, that includes or specifies a precedent policy enactment that specifies purpose, scope, authority, and other such limitations and specifications as determined by First Branch approval of initiative, referendum, or legislative enactment.
Decision to choose and hire agency management position shall be accounted by simple majority of 51% of ballots cast.


(revised 2023-03-01)

First Branch Authority

In this republic form of government using four branches, the first branch has the ultimate and precedent authority. Amendment of specification of this form of government shall require 90% approval of citizen population.

The first branch is a voluntary population of citizens, comprised of each and every citizen volunteer. Citizens have rights, authorities and responsibilities. The Public Branch.

One right that this government is predicated on, is that individual citizens own their body and mind. This right predicates the right to make decisions in this government.

Article One.
The right of accurate and reliable representation of each and every citizen shall not be infringed by legislative act or constitutional process.

Citizens thus, accept the authority and responsibility for those decisions.

Each citizen may choose to use a representative. Each citizen is responsible for such use of a representative. Representatives are Public Branch employees. Representatives are not elected.
**** *****

The decisions made by this government process are those that;

1. Protect rights.

2. Enact, repeal, amend law and policy.

3. Choose and hire members of executive, legislative, majority and minority judicial, agency management positions.

Each of those decision forms are processed differently.
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The decisions to protect rights shall be the exclusive authority and responsibility of the First Branch, the Public. The citizen volunteer population.

The decisions to protect rights begin with citizens asserting a right. If 25% of the citizens assert a right then the judicial branch shall task the legislative branch to consider creating an article of protection. Such article shall define the right being protected, the scope and scale of protection, exceptions to be allowed.

The legislative branch shall then confer and write a bill that presents the decision to the public branch of publishing that protection as an Article of Protection.

The bill proposing the article shall be passed from the legislative to the judicial branch for review.

The judicial branch will test the bill against existing Articles, law and policy. Judicial review shall reject the bill if contradictory to existing Article(s). Rejected bills shall be passed to legislative branch for further consideration.

Bills contradicting existing law or policy shall be held and a ruling published defining the contradicting law or policies such that the first branch authority to amend or repeal such is invoked or fails. If the First Branch fails to amend or repeal contradictory law or policy, the bill is rejected and passed back to the legislative branch for revision.

Passing judicial review, the bill is presented to the First Branch for decision.

Public Branch shall decide to publish a bill as an Article of Protection with 50% + 1 approval of the citizen majority.

Amendment of existing Article of Protection shall require 67% majority of citizens.

Repeal of Article of Protection shall require 80% majority of citizens.

Decisions to protect rights shall begin upon presentation of bill to the public, and such decision shall be failed if not approved by majority within 60 days, unless the bill specifies a different duration.
**** *****


The decisions to enact, amend, repeal law and policy shall be the exclusive authority and responsibility of the First Branch, the Public. The citizen volunteer population.

The public branch may use;

-1. initiative,

-2. referendum

-3. legislative

process to present a bill for decision.
**** *****

-1. Each initiative shall define a law or policy to be enacted, amended or repealed.

An initiative shall be passed to the judicial branch for review upon 25% majority assertion of initiative. The judicial review shall presume such bill contravenes existing Article of Protection, law or policy. A bill passing judicial review shall be presented to the public for decision. An initiative bill failing judicial review shall be rejected and returned to author for revision.

-2. A referendum shall be defined as a problem to be resolved or managed by law or policy.

Each referendum shall be passed as a tasking order to the legislative branch upon 25% majority assertion of referendum.

The legislative branch authorized by referendum tasking shall confer and write a bill or range of bills to be presented for judicial review. Referendum bills that fail judicial review shall be returned to legislative branch for revision. passing bills shall be presented to the public for decision.

-3. The legislative process begins with executive branch decision to solve or manage a problem by law or policy.

The executive branch passes a legislative tasking order authorizing the legislative branch to consider, confer, and write a bill or range of bills that are intended to solve or manage the problem defined in the tasking order.

The legislative branch shall not be authorized to write any bill unless passed a tasking order from public referendum, judicial or executive branch.

Legislative bills shall be passed to judicial branch for review.

Failing review bills shall be returned to legislative branch for revision.

Bills passing judicial review shall be passed to executive branch for review for plausibility and cost accounting.

Failing bills shall be returned to legislative branch for revision.

Passing bills shall be presented for public decision.
Bills brought to decision by Initiative, Referendum, legislative shall be presented to First Branch for decision, enacted or rejected.

Each bill, presented to the public for decision that enacts, amends, repeals law or policy shall be enacted upon a majority decision of citizens, such majority threshold calculated by ballot. Calculation of majority shall begin when simple majority attained.

Calculation of majority threshold shall not begin, prior to a simple majority of citizens voting yes.
The majority threshold calculation begins with count of each majority threshold on each ballot counted.

The count of each ballot majority threshold choice shall be calculated as a percentage of the total number of choices. The result of such calculation shall be limited to no more than two decimal places with the last decimal digit rounded to nearest integer.

The calculated percentages shall be added to a total, and that resulting number shall be divided by the number five. The result of such calculation shall be limited to no more than two decimal places with the last decimal digit rounded to nearest integer.That result shall be the calculated majority threshold required for approval.

Ballot of enactment, amendment, repeal of law or policy shall be offered to each and every citizen either directly or to registered representative.

Each ballot shall be marked with bill number, citizen ID number, ballot number, decision options, majority threshold options.
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Public Branch decision process to enact amend repeal law and policy shall be accounted as approved by ballot if the yes count exceeds the majority threshold determined by ballots cast that specify majority threshold.
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The decisions to choose and hire members of executive, legislative, majority judicial, agency management position shall be the exclusive authority and responsibility of the First Branch, the Public. The citizen volunteer population.

The decisions to choose and hire individual citizens for executive, legislative, majority judicial positions shall be by ballot. Such decision shall be accounted by simple majority of 51% of ballots cast.

The number of citizens to be chosen for hire to positions of executive, legislative, judicial branches and agency management shall be specified by enactment of law, or as such number shall equal or exceed one citizen as executive, three citizens as legislative, one citizen as judicial.

The executive branch may be authorized to appoint one citizen as a minority to the judicial branch.
The legislative branch may have the authority to appoint one or more individual citizens, but no more than two less than the majority judicial positions, to the judicial minority.

Decision to choose and hire individual citizens for agency management shall require a precedent law creating agency being managed, that includes or specifies a precedent policy enactment that specifies purpose, scope, authority, and other such limitations and specifications as determined by First Branch approval of initiative, referendum, or legislative enactment.
Decision to choose and hire agency management position shall be accounted by simple majority of 51% of ballots cast.


(revised 2022-10-01)

First Branch Authority

In this republic form of government using four branches, the first branch has the ultimate and precedent authority. Amendment of specification of this form of government shall require 90% approval of citizen population.

The first branch is a voluntary population of citizens, comprised of each and every citizen volunteer. Citizens have rights, authorities and responsibilities. The Public Branch.

One right that this government is predicated on, is that individual humans own their body and mind. This right predicates the right to make decisions in this government.

Citizens thus, accept the authority and responsibility for those decisions.

Each citizen may choose to use a representative. Each citizen is responsible for such use of a representative. Representatives are Public Branch employees. Representatives are not elected.

**** *****

The decisions made by this government process are those that;

1. Protect rights.

2. Enact, repeal, amend law and policy.

3. Choose and hire members of executive, legislative, judicial, agency management positions.

Each of those decision forms are processed differently.

**** *****


The decisions to protect rights shall be the exclusive authority and responsibility of the First Branch, the Public. The citizen volunteer population.

The decisions to protect rights begin with citizens asserting a right. If 25% of the citizens assert a right then the judicial branch shall task the legislative branch to consider creating an article of protection. Such article shall define the right being protected, the scope and scale of protection, exceptions to be allowed.

The legislative branch shall then confer and write a bill that presents the decision to the public branch of publishing that protection as an Article of Protection.

The bill proposing the article shall be passed from the legislative to the judicial branch for review.

The judicial branch will test the bill against existing Articles, law and policy. Judicial review shall reject the bill if contradictory to existing Article(s). Rejected bills shall be passed to legislative branch for further consideration.

Bills contradicting existing law or policy shall be held and a ruling published defining the contradicting law or policies such that the first branch authority to amend or repeal such is invoked or fails. If the First Branch fails to amend or repeal contradictory law or policy, the bill is rejected and passed back to the legislative branch for revision.

Passing judicial review, the bill is presented to the First Branch for decision.

Public Branch shall decide to publish a bill as an Article of Protection with 50% + 1 approval of the citizen majority.

Amendment of existing Article of Protection shall require 67% majority of citizens.

Repeal of Article of Protection shall require 80% majority of citizens.

Decisions to protect rights shall begin upon presentation of bill to the public, and such decision shall be failed if not approved by majority within 60 days, unless the bill specifies a different duration.

**** *****


The decisions to enact, amend, repeal law and policy shall be the exclusive authority and responsibility of the First Branch, the Public. The citizen volunteer population.

The public branch may use;

-1. initiative,

-2. referendum

-3. legislative

process to present a bill for decision.

**** *****

-1. Each initiative shall define a law or policy to be enacted, amended or repealed.

An initiative shall be passed to the judicial branch for review upon 25% majority assertion of initiative. The judicial review shall presume such bill contravenes existing Article of Protection, law or policy. A bill passing judicial review shall be presented to the public for decision. An initiative bill failing judicial review shall be rejected and returned to author for revision.

-2. A referendum shall be defined as a problem to be resolved or managed by law or policy.

Each referendum shall be passed as a tasking order to the legislative branch upon 25% majority assertion of referendum.

The legislative branch authorized by referendum tasking shall confer and write a bill or range of bills to be presented for judicial review. Referendum bills that fail judicial review shall be returned to legislative branch for revision. passing bills shall be presented to the public for decision.

-3. The legislative process begins with executive branch decision to solve or manage a problem by law or policy.

The executive branch passes a legislative tasking order authorizing the legislative branch to consider, confer, and write a bill or range of bills that are intended to solve or manage the problem defined in the tasking order.

The legislative branch shall not be authorized to write any bill unless passed a tasking order from public referendum, judicial or executive branch.

Legislative bills shall be passed to judicial branch for review.

Failing review bills shall be returned to legislative branch for revision.

Bills passing judicial review shall be passed to executive branch for review for plausibility and cost accounting.

Failing bills shall be returned to legislative branch for revision.

Passing bills shall be presented for public decision.

Each bill, presented to the public for decision that enacts, amends, repeals law or policy shall be enacted upon a majority decision of citizens, such majority threshold calculated by ballot beginning when simple majority attained.

Ballot of enactment, amendment, repeal of law or policy shall be offered to each and every citizen either directly or to registered representative.

Each ballot shall be marked with bill number, citizen ID number, ballot number, decision options, majority threshold options.

**** *****

Public Branch decision process to enact amend repeal law and policy shall be accounted as approved by ballot if the yes count exceeds the majority threshold determined by ballots cast that specify majority threshold.

The majority threshold to be calculated beginning at 51% approval of citizens. Calculation begins with count of each majority threshold specified on each ballot counted.

Each count is compared to all counts. The two largest counts


The decisions to choose and hire members of executive, legislative, judicial, agency management position shall be the exclusive authority and responsibility of the First Branch, the Public. The citizen volunteer population.

(revised 2022-09-09)

First Branch Authority

In this republic form of government using four branches, the first branch has the ultimate and precedent authority. Amendment of specification of this form of government shall require 90% approval of citizen population.

The first branch is a voluntary population of citizens, comprised of each and every citizen volunteer. Citizens have rights, authorities and responsibilities. The Public Branch.

One right that this government is predicated on, is that individual humans own their body and mind. This right predicates the right to make decisions in this government.

Citizens thus, accept the authority and responsibility for those decisions.

Each citizen may choose to use a representative. Each citizen is responsible for such use of a representative.

The decisions made by this government process are those that;

1. Protect rights.

2. Enact, repeal, amend law and policy.

3. Choose and hire members of executive, legislative, judicial, agency management positions.

Each of those decision forms are processed differently.


The decisions to protect rights shall be the exclusive authority and responsibility of the First Branch, the Public. The citizen volunteer population.

The decisions to protect rights begin with citizens asserting a right. If 25% of the citizens assert a right then the judicial branch shall task the legislative branch to consider creating an article of protection. Such article shall define the right being protected, the scope and scale of protection, exceptions to be allowed.

The legislative branch shall then confer and write a bill that presents the decision to the public branch of publishing that protection as an Article of Protection.

The bill proposing the article shall be passed from the legislative to the judicial branch for review.

The judicial branch will test the bill against existing Articles, law and policy. Judicial review shall reject the bill if contradictory to existing Article(s). Rejected bills shall be passed to legislative branch for further consideration.

Bills contradicting existing law or policy shall be held and a ruling published defining the contradicting law or policies such that the first branch authority to amend or repeal such is invoked or fails. If the First Branch fails to amend or repeal contradictory law or policy, the bill is rejected and passed back to the legislative branch for revision.

Passing judicial review, the bill is presented to the First Branch for decision.

Public Branch shall decide to publish a bill as an Article of Protection with 50% + 1 approval of the citizen majority.

Amendment of existing Article of Protection shall require 67% majority of citizens.

Repeal of Article of Protection shall require 80% majority of citizens.

Decisions to protect rights shall begin upon presentation of bill to the public, and such decision shall be failed if not approved by majority within 60 days, unless the bill specifies a different duration.


The decisions to enact, amend, repeal law and policy shall be the exclusive authority and responsibility of the First Branch, the Public. The citizen volunteer population.

The public branch may use;

1. initiative,

2. referendum

3. legislative

process to present a bill for decision.

1. Each initiative shall define a law or policy to be enacted, amended or repealed.

An initiative shall be passed to the judicial branch for review upon 25% majority assertion of initiative. The judicial review shall presume such bill contravenes existing Article of Protection, law or policy. A bill passing judicial review shall be presented to the public for decision. An initiative bill failing judicial review shall be rejected and returned to author for revision.

2. A referendum shall be defined as a problem to be resolved or managed by law or policy.

Each referendum shall be passed as a tasking order to the legislative branch upon 25% majority assertion of referendum.

The legislative branch authorized by referendum tasking shall confer and write a bill or range of bills to be presented for judicial review. Referendum bills that fail judicial review shall be returned to legislative branch for revision. passing bills shall be presented to the public for decision.

3. The legislative process begins with executive branch decision to solve or manage a problem by law or policy.

The executive branch passes a legislative tasking order authorizing the legislative branch to consider, confer, and write a bill or range of bills that are intended to solve or manage the problem defined in the tasking order.

The legislative branch shall not be authorized to write any bill unless passed a tasking order from public referendum, judicial or executive branch.

Legislative bills shall be passed to judicial branch for review.

Failing review bills shall be returned to legislative branch for revision.

Bills passing judicial review shall be passed to executive branch for review for plausibility and cost accounting.

Failing bills shall be returned to legislative branch for revision.

Passing bills shall be presented for public decision.

Each bill, presented to the public for decision that enacts, amends, repeals law or policy shall be enacted upon a majority decision of citizens, such majority threshold calculated by ballot beginning when simple majority attained.

Ballot of enactment, amendment, repeal of law or policy shall be offered to each and every citizen either directly or to registered representative.

Each ballot shall be marked with bill number, citizen ID number, ballot number, decision options, majority threshold options.


The decisions to choose and hire members of executive, legislative, judicial, agency management position shall be the exclusive authority and responsibility of the First Branch, the Public. The citizen volunteer population.

(original 2022-09-07)

In this republic form of government using four branches, the first branch has the ultimate and precedent authority. Amendment of specification of this form of government shall require 90% approval of citizen population.

The first branch is a voluntary population of citizens, comprised of each and every citizen volunteer. Citizens have rights, authorities and responsibilities. The Public Branch.
One right that this government is predicated on, is that individual humans own their body and mind. This right predicates the right to make decisions in this government.
Citizens thus, accept the authority and responsibility for those decisions.
Each citizen may choose to use a representative. Each citizen is responsible for such use of a representative.
The decisions made by this government process are those that;
1. Protect rights.
2. Enact, repeal, amend law and policy.
3. Choose and hire members of executive, legislative, judicial, agency positions.
Each of those decision forms are processed differently.
The decisions to protect rights begin with citizens asserting a right. If 25% of the citizens assert a right then the judicial branch shall task the legislative branch to consider creating an article of protection. Such article shall define the right being protected, the scope and scale of protection, exceptions to be allowed.
The legislative branch shall then confer and write a bill that presents the decision to the public branch of publishing that protection as an Article of Protection.
The bill proposing the article shall be passed from the legislative to the judicial branch for review.
The judicial branch will test the bill against existing Articles, law and policy. Judicial review shall reject the bill if contradictory to existing Article(s). Rejected bills shall be passed to legislative branch for further consideration.
Bills contradicting existing law or policy shall be held and a ruling published defining the contradicting law or policies such that the first branch authority to amend or repeal such is invoked or fails. If the First Branch fails to amend or repeal contradictory law or policy, the bill is rejected and passed back to the legislative branch for revision.
Passing judicial review, the bill is presented to the First Branch for decision.
Public Branch shall decide to publish a bill as an Article of Protection with 50% + 1 approval of the citizen majority.
Amendment of existing Article of Protection shall require 67% majority of citizens.
Repeal of Article of Protection shall require 80% majority of citizens.
Decisions to protect rights shall begin upon presentation of bill to the public, and such decision shall be failed if not approved by majority within 60 days, unless the bill specifies a different duration.
The decisions to enact, amend, repeal law and policy shall be the exclusive authority and responsibility of the First Branch, the Public. The citizen volunteer population.
The public branch may use initiative, referendum or legislative process to present a bill for decision.
Each initiative shall define a law or policy to be enacted, amended or repealed.
An initiative shall be passed to the judicial branch for review upon 25% majority assertion of initiative. The judicial review shall presume such bill contravenes existing Article of Protection, law or policy. A bill passing judicial review shall be presented to the public for decision. An initiative bill failing judicial review shall be rejected and returned to author for revision.
A referendum shall be defined as a problem to be resolved or managed by law or policy.
Each referendum shall be passed as a tasking order to the legislative branch upon 25% majority assertion of referendum.
The legislative branch authorized by referendum tasking shall confer and write a bill or range of bills to be presented for judicial review, then to the public for decision.
The legislative process begins with executive branch decision to solve or manage a problem by law or policy.
The executive branch passes a legislative tasking order authorizing the legislative branch to consider, confer, and write a bill or range of bills that are intended to solve or manage the problem defined in the tasking order.
The legislative branch shall not be authorized to write any bill unless passed a tasking order from public referendum, judicial or executive branch.
Legislative bills shall be passed to judicial branch for review.
Failing review bills shall be returned to legislative branch for revision.
Bills passing judicial review shall be passed to executive branch for review for plausibility and cost accounting.
Failing bills shall be returned to legislative branch for revision.
Passing bills shall be presented for public decision.